Our Work


Walter Crawford, Crawford Corner CEO, brings more than 20 years of experience in human capital and organizational and leadership development to each speaking engagement. Our dynamic presentations engage, inspire and drive sustainable change, as well as provide opportunities for genuine, direct connection with your team and employees. We cover an array of in-demand topics that are tailored to fit your unique needs. Please see below to explore some of our recent offerings.



β€œIs it just me?” Managing Expectations on People of Color in the Workplace

An exploration of how expectations impact our lives in the workplace. Together we will discover which expectations we live in, which ones are placed on us, help or hinder us, and how we consciously or unconsciously respond.


Expectations: The Good, The Bad, The Unknown

An exploration of how expectations impact our daily lives. Together, we will discover which expectations we live in, which ones help or hinder us, and how we consciously or unconsciously respond to the ones we hold most valuable.


How to Trust the Journey

When we have significant moments in our lives such as, job or career changes, divorce, loss of a loved one, we may often question our journey or the path in front of us but what if at this very point in time, you are exactly where you are supposed to be?
